Texting your mom gay meme

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Tall skinny middle school Sara was so embarrassed at the time. One time she returned something to Best Buy with a receipt from Circuit City. She was a SJW before that was a thing. Oh, and she was a master at bypassing any return policy. These days, my sister and I can joke about 'what would mommy do?' in a certain situation. (It's usually some form of blurting out exactly what's on her mind and not taking people's shit. Now I can think past the sad memories and smile about the happy ones. I'm actually sharing and talking about it instead of bottling up my grief. But I do notice that I've made some semblance of peace with it. So when she lost her unexpected battle with cancer, I was devastated. To say we were 'close' is an understatement. This week marks five years since my mom passed away.

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